Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Have Found My People!

They are posting pictures at www.englishfailblog.com. This website documents real-world occurrences of grammatical horror. Like the sign that advertised for a "GROJ SALE." Sound it out... that's right, it's "garage sale." It bewilders and frightens me that there are people this dumb in the world.

Now, granted, a lot of the pictures are from Chinese restaurants and other places with non-English-speaking proprietors, or are poor translations from other languages on commercial products. I am not offended by them, because not speaking English well is a pretty decent excuse for not knowing how to spell and punctuate things. These are not the people I think are dumb. I work with these people every day, and they are smart, smart, smart. The dumb people I'm referring to are native English people who spell garage GROJ. WTF, English speakers? Let's step up our game a little and at least try to spell and punctuate words correctly.

So, my fellow photo submitters at the English Fail Blog are truly my people. Nothing feeds my inner snob more than working up a righteous outrage at bad spelling and punctuation, and apparently there are others who feel the same way. My people.

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