I saw this on a friend's blog, and since it's Christmas break and I'm just hanging out, I thought I'd put it on mine. Just 25 random things about myself. I'm supposed to tag 25 people, but I can't think of anyone who deserves to be annoyed that much, so I'm skipping that part.
1. I read all four Twilight books, plus the unfinished draft of Midnight Sun, and still can't figure out why I liked them. I mean, I did, I just don't know why.
2. I named my cat after Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, because he is the most awesome literary character ever.
3. Kitty Atticus is not much like Book Atticus, though.
4. One of the things I love about my husband is that when I say, "It's possible," he adds, "Pig," and we both know that he's not insulting me, but rather paying homage to one of the greatest movies of all time.
5. My niece and nephew call me Aunt Emily, and I'm just waiting for the day when they watch The Wizard of Oz and start calling me Auntie Em. And by waiting, I mean not looking forward to.
6. The first movie I ever just totally lost it in was Titanic. Full-out hysterics for the entire last hour of the movie.
7. That was definitely not the last movie I ever lost it in, though. Steel Magnolias gave Titanic a run for its money.
8. When my friend Debra and I worked at summer camp together, we told our campers that we were twin sisters. And they bought it, even though we look nothing alike.
9. Sometimes when I grade essays, it's all I can do to not write "WTF?" next to some of their grammar/punctuation/spelling mistakes. Like the paper that claimed that John McCain supported "tickle-down" economics.
10. I take it a little personally when my students skip class. I wonder if my professors ever felt the same way.
11. I could eat at Leonardo's Pizza three times a week and never get tired of it. My body might rebel, though.
12. Sometimes I do eat at Leonardo's Pizza three times a week, and more often than not, I run into my sister there, because she also eats there three times a week. Usually these meetings aren't planned at all - we just have a serious addiction to Leonardo's.
13. I wore a tiara on my wedding day, because seriously, what other day could I get away with that?
14. I also kept my veil on through the whole reception, because when else would I get to wear a veil? That's right, never.
15. My favorite TV show is The Office. I have a mini-crush on Jim. Not John Krasinski. Jim.
16. When I went back to England this summer, six years after my first trip there, one of my top priorities was to eat a scone with clotted cream. That stuff is freaking amazing.
17. I got a huge kick out of English place names while I was there. You know, names like Lower Piddle. And I'm pretty sure I actually saw a town called Lower Piddle.
18. One of my aunts gave another aunt a book called "The Shoes of Salvation" for Christmas. I think I might believe in the Shoes of Salvation.
19. My mom also got a book called "Feng Shoe." I think my family might have an addiction.
20. I do not like Wal-Mart. Not just because of corporate greed run amok, but really because I can't stand the way the aisles feel like they're closing in on me, and the way people bring their two-year-olds there at 11:00 at night so the rest of us have to listen to them screaming.
21. I really can't handle scary movies. I have a hard time with The Others on Lost. Suspense is not really for me.
22. I love Florida football, and I always feel a little star-struck when I see Tim Tebow on campus.
23. Red polish on my toenails always makes me feel good.
24. My freshman year in college, I took a salsa-dancing class.
25. I love the beach.